Saturday, June 25, 2011

osama bin laden dead

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  • osama bin laden dead body

  • Milind123
    09-13 05:27 PM
    Yesterday I contributed $300 and I hope I do better than that today, but I need help from all those people who have never contributed. So please pull the trigger. I am only one contribution (of $100) away from a first time contributor. As soon as I get that I will post my contribution. As soon as I do that sam2006 is going to make his contribution of $100.

    Today I was hoping to exceed my contribution of $300 from yesterday. Looks like it is not goint to happen today. But it will be a bummer if I can't match yesterday's contribution.

    We (GCNaseeb, sunty, bala our special guest and I) need just two more shooter to make a contribution of $100 who have never contributed before.

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  • osama bin laden was killed.

  • skv
    06-20 10:53 AM
    PRAYING WILL NOT HELP : God and the US helps those who help themselves . :D

    Well said Arnab. :-) I wish you good luck.

    osama bin laden dead. Osama-in-laden-dead-killed
  • Osama-in-laden-dead-killed

  • gcpath
    01-03 10:59 AM
    Filed AP on Aug-8-2007. Today received email from CRIS saying that Documents have been mailed. Hope you all will get soon.

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  • osama bin laden death photos.

  • DDash
    07-20 02:38 PM
    I set it up for 50 USD reoccuring contributions.



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  • The #39;Osama Bin Laden is Dead#39;

  • mps
    07-11 11:13 AM
    Pause and take a moment to rejoice. Then turn all eyes to processing dates.

    TSC July 17 2007
    NSC July 28 2007

    That would mean July 2 filers EB2 are waiting only for visa number (assuming USCIS is processing cases strictly on RD basis) - wooooooooooooow.

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  • Dead Body pictures. osama bin

  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 12:48 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I am starting a new campaign for IV's benefit. It is called "Give me a High Five".

    The point of this campaign is to send Not $100, not $50, not even $10.

    ALL you need to do is write out a $5 cheque and send it to IV on the address listed.

    The address to mail the checks to is:

    Immigration Voice
    P O Box 1372
    Arcadia, CA 91077-1372

    This address can also be found at:

    Please make sure you send in a cheque ONLY or do a bill pay so that no paypal/google checkout fees apply and all of the $5 ACTUALLY goes to IV.

    We have 30,000 members on here. If EACH of us contributes just $5 we have $150,000.

    For the sake of your OWN freedom, can you donate just FIVE dollars to IV? Every single one of you. IV has done a LOT for every legal immigrant. All we ask in return right now is FIVE dollars. FIVE dollars. Not the price of one month of Cable, but the price of a SUBWAY SANDWICH.

    The following IV members have entered the High Five Hall of Fame:
    bestofall, johnnybhai, Mahatma, sparklinks, kevinkris, hariswaminathan, akhilmahajan, a_paradkar, tejonidhi, ho_gaya_kaya_?, June05, chintainfogc, k_usa, Sri_1975, cheshirecat, satyasaich, pd_recapturing, sajidmd, govindk, mjdup, alok_msh, plreddy, naidu2543, venkygct, j_bharadwaj, gsrknth, cooldude0807, for_gc, Chiwere, jayleno, funny, eight_8, ita, GCOP, desi chala usa, gc_kaavaali, lakshman.easwaran, ebizash, srhari, srinivas_o, ndny, rameshvaid, mhathi, rajesh_kamisetty, shana04, Vsach, leo2606, sujijag, sam2006, dhirajs98, dhirajs98 , vsbalaji, shiankuraaf, nosightofgc, prasadn, prasha98, Mani, DDash, bgp, gc28262, Caliber, gc_on_demand, agc2005, SkilledWorker4GC, vban2007, vvicky72, sriv1, desidude, Suva, sandy_anand, ckichannagari, h1techSlave, kushaljn, sirinme, WeShallOvercome, rajvepa, dodsatya, gc78, hotammo, gcbikari, abhijitp, wizpal


    osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Death Photo
  • Osama Bin Laden Death Photo

  • dilipcr
    06-11 08:11 PM
    I am happy for following things in life:

    1) I still have a job, or atleast pay.
    2) I have an EAD, those in PERM, 140, do not have that option.
    3) I am better placed than those seeking immigration as brothers and sisters of US citizens :-d or as married children of US citizens.

    I am not happy about:

    1) Don't have the plastic that says, I can stay on even if I don't have a job.
    2) Those from other countries getting "lottery" visa instead of hard work.

    Who said "hard work" pays off? It just takes LUCK in life for things to fall in place. From tomorrow, I am just going to buy lottery and do NO work.

    I dont think Luck is all that is needed in life. Getting a perspective on things around is the key. Understand this fact. Recession happens once every 6 years on average. Every recession seems like a depression during the times. Believe me, we felt that the tech meltdown of 2001 was the end of the world for all those high flying dreams. Today people say that the 2001 recession was a mil one. Yeah, tell that to the people on H1 visas wo lost their jobs and had to leave the country. The same scenario seems to be the case now. Just hang in there and dont go by these bogus media headlines that scream that one would have to wait atleast for 10 years for a GC. They were the same then too. Do what you do well with this perspective in mind and you should be ok.

    2010 Osama-in-laden-dead-killed osama bin laden dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead LOL
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead LOL

  • PD_Dec2002
    06-02 10:27 PM
    Ironical, isn't it? This diatribe coming from someone whose handle is "BigLoser"!! From which mushrooom did you crawl under?

    Thanks, but no thanks!


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  • Osama Bin Laden Dead Eyes

  • snathan
    03-17 01:13 PM
    BTW , I have been a monthly contributor for years and also contributed to other special occasions :) . Still patiently waiting for access to the donor forum.

    Send mail to Admin....

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  • Bin Laden Death Will Not Boost

  • Green.Tech
    05-28 08:32 PM
    Keep 'em coming!


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  • osama bin laden dead body.

  • CADude
    07-18 04:16 PM
    priti8888, What is the USCIS 485 processing date in your senario?

    Your Receive Date is a factor but PD is also a big factor, if limited number available.

    If two person has submitted their application. One has PD 2001 and RD June 10 2007 and other had PD Jan 2006 with RD May 1 2006.

    USCIS 485 Processing Date: June 15th 2007 and Visa Bullitin has "C"

    Still PD with 2001 will get the the number first before PD 2006 case.

    485 RD < USCIS 485 Processing date and PD < Visa Bulletin date
    Order by PD desc

    hope this help

    I am still confused in regards to who whould be eligible for a visa number.

    For instance (assumption:all other factors same for both A and B(name check, country etc)

    Senario A
    PD 2004
    485 receipt date 2005


    Senario B
    PD 2003
    485 receipt date 2006

    So under present circumstances when everything is current, who whould get alloted a visa number first??

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  • Bin Laden#39;s death is a

  • pitha
    07-06 02:04 PM
    I doubt it, uscis used up 60k visas in one month just to make sure we dont get any ead, why in the world after doing all this nonsense would they accept our applications.

    My lawyer told me that they are working on something to accept all applications which reached on july ... lets hope he is right.


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  • osama bin laden dead head

  • saimrathi
    07-18 12:38 PM
    I posted this on another thread.. Recapturing lost visa numbers from yester years has to be top priority..

    lets fight to recapture Visa numbers from the previous years.. As this article rightly points us, the road ahead:

    Not the End of the Road

    Still unresolved is the issue of green cards that have gone unused in the past decade or more. USCIS estimates that 10,000 green cards of the 140,000 allotted for employment-based applicants were not issued last year. Immigration Voice estimates that 200,000 in total have gone unused in the last decade. Immigrant advocates have been urging the federal government to offer make these green-card slots available to help relieve the backlog of those waiting for green cards, an estimated 500,000.

    Using green cards from previous years would require legislation from Congress. Lofgren says there have been "some discussions going on informally" about whether such a move is possible. But it's no sure thing. It would be difficult to pass such legislation in a Congress that is leery of any immigration issue after a comprehensive reform effort with the support of President George W. Bush and bipartisan leaders in the Senate got shot down earlier this summer.

    Meanwhile, immigrant advocates say they will continue to press to speed the process of turning workers with visas into permanent residents. "This [decision] helps us move from a more painful limbo to a less painful limbo, but it's limbo nonetheless," says Immigration Voice's Pradhan. "Adjustment of status is not our final destination; green-card status is."

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  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • deepimpact
    08-23 09:29 AM
    deepimpact, shame on you to think like this. This is just one more of example of how ignorant the immigrant community is about the ground realities of these law changes in the employment-based immigration rules which includes H1B, L1s, EB apps etc.

    1. The neufield memo of Employer-employee relationship & giving not 3 years of H1B visas but in some cases depending on the contract 3 months of H1B visas.
    2. The fee hikes of H1B & L1 visas.
    3. Make EB1, EB2 etc more strict to make it almost impossible to get anymore EB2 apps approved. BTW there is nothing which stops them from issuing another memo to review all EB2/EB3 I-140 approval and revise the approvals & deny them if deemed necessary. What would you say then?

    You completely missed the point. Put the events in chronological order and you will realize why IV Core insists on meeting lawmakers. Pretty soon, there will be no avenues even with a lot of legitimate experience for an immigrant unless they end up winning nobel prizes....sorry there are not many nobel prize winners in this world and I have not met one so far.

    Anyway, hope others continue to meet the lawmakers leaving your EB2-EB3 divide to ask them for recapture and removal of country limits.


    I aplogize if I hurt someone. But don't shoot the messenger, I was trying to enumerate the possible impacts of the memo. And looking at current changes to employment based immigration policies be it about H1B,L1 or EB it appears they are trying to clamp down on rather lose interpretation of minimum requirements for these visa categories which has led to overuse and abuse of them.for e.g H1B going to lottery on the very first day in 2008.
    But it seems these specifications are about EB1 and EB2 with exceptional ability (not with advance degree category) where the requriements is just a list of 10 items without any emphasis on what is defined as a succesful crietria of meeting those items.

    I guess you may have got pissed off with my third point , believe me I am not one here to create EB2-EB3 divide. Because no change in legislation is going to be for a particular EB category, it needs to be for the entire EB. Be it visa recapture, per country limit removal or dependants not being counted.


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  • osama bin laden dead. osama

  • diptam
    07-06 02:42 PM
    Ooh - you are right !!! It took me more time to write the above than it took 25 USCIS workers to approve 25,000 I-485's... (48 hrs X 60 mins X 25) / 25000 = 3 mins.

    They are thinking us dumb fools because we are immigrants and we have to accept whatever they say !!

    I doubt if anyone was denied. They have to approve anyone and everyone to meet the numbers.

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  • osama bin laden death photo.

  • lonedesi
    08-06 10:51 AM
    I checked with IV core and few attorneys regarding this issue. You will need the consent of the employer since we are dealing with I-140 petition. Please speak to your HR and try convincing them to support you. We are not asking USCIS to expedite our cases. All we are asking is follow the FIFO and process cases in an orderly manner.


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  • skv
    06-27 07:15 PM
    Any march approval?

    Hope you should get soon..... :-)

    Mine is May 14th.

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  • 2011 Getting Osama Bin Laden

  • sg101
    02-15 01:25 PM
    sg101 :confused:
    Philly BEC Case # P-04322-0xxxx
    45 Days Letter recieved on 03/22/05 & Replied on 03/25/05
    CA SWA PD : 07/25/2002
    SF DOL RD : 06/15/2003
    Cae type : RIR
    Status: Waiting for Labor approval.

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  • Osama bin Laden dead experts

  • mjadala
    08-13 04:50 PM
    We should do our best to push the bills to recapture unused visas by Sept end.

    Also the one for STEM and per country quota. Otherwise we are looking at a long wait.

    09-28 11:43 PM
    Can all of us at least send a joint request/letter to Rep Lofgren to ask USCIS to formalise a procedure for re-capture of visa numbers?I guess USCIS can do this without any senate approvals.At least ,this will decrease retrogression a little.Any major reform looks unlikely anyways till year 2009...

    2009 is VERY OPTIMISTIC. Why would a new administration take up "touchy" issue like immigration in its 1st year (2009)? Least we can expect is 2010 IF NOTHING HAPPENS BY MID NOVEMBER - Congress goes to recess for the year.The window of opportunity is short!

    07-18 04:21 PM
    Made my first (small) contribution of $100 today !!
    Google order no. - 952531454379821

    Many thanks to all of IV members !!!

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